If It’s Good For The City…

We all want the best for the cities we live in. Nobody would ever really say they want disaster for their neighbors, homes and businesses. Most people, and maybe this is naiveté, desire good for where they live.

That is, it’s good when our neighbor gets the promotion—good for their kids, good for their esteem, good for the economy. It’s good when companies move into our cities—good for employment, good for revenue and good for future investments. It’s good when a university football team wins (Roll Tide!)—good for recruiting, good for attitudes and good for academic enrollment.

We all give a hearty nod at these obvious examples. When one wins, we all win.

And yet at the heart of our sin nature a nagging in our soul whispers, “Why not me?”Jealousy. Resentment. Bitterness. All meat and potatoes of the Fall.

And yet the moment we settle into that kind of attitude is the moment you and I stall out and focus all of our attention on ourselves. Ironically, then we lose.

And while that’s a normal response as a human, as Jesus followers, we have a new normal. Our new nature, bound up in the love and grace of Jesus says, “When others move forward, achieve and get what their heart desires it is still good for me and good for the city. “Rejoice when others rejoice” (Romans 12:15)


This is true for the church as well. We talk a good game. We smile when the church down the street experiences enormous growth. We say the required, “Praise God!” But internally we are jealous and disheartened that it didn’t happen to us.

We must make war on that. When the church down the street is seeing big kingdom growth we still win. It’s good for them which means it’s good for the city church which means it’s good for the city. We all win.

Perhaps the best way to make war on our sin nature is to actively cheer on those around us. Pray, give, and help in every way possible to see their life made better. One of the ways we’ll be putting feet to this idea is during GIVE week. During the weekend of October 16th every dime that you and I give will be given away to three city organizations: Habitat for Humanity, West Alabama AIDS Outreach and the Weldy Home for Girls.

Would you go big in your giving? Can we bless these city organizations in a gigantic way? Because when they do good, it’s good for the city, which means it’s good for us. I can’t wait to see how we’ll  #lovethecity!