This weekend we welcome Jimmy Bowers to the Vineyard tribe. Jimmy is the Tuscaloosa campus pastor for Church of the Highlands. His passion for people and more importantly his love for Jesus is what drives everything he does. Church of the Highlands is considered not only one of the fastest growing churches in America, but also one of the largest. Their commitment to Jesus and His people are inspiring. We are grateful God has put them in our city!
Last week, as Jimmy and I shared a cup of coffee, all I heard from his heart was a passion for citywide change through the power of Jesus. Humble, passionate, intentional, and gracious are just a few adjectives to describe this guy. And good looking. Yep. He’s like a GQ model who loves Jesus.
Come to Vineyard this coming weekend and make your confession that God is bigger than any one church—He is the God of our city. We’re going to welcome Jimmy to the stage and trust that God is uniting his church for His glory.