Just for a second…think about what you might do with that kind of financial wind at your back.
The first major purchase is always stuff. It’s a general junk drawer category that includes houses, cars, islands, and vacations. The obvious thought is, “I just won a butt-load of money. Momma is gonna get hers!” I get it. We go shopping!
The second major purchase has something to do with the future. We say, “I will never be poor again!” So we promise that we’ll invest. You know, put a few million away for a rainy day!” Paying off debt falls into this category. School loans, car loans, medical bills and the like.
Towards the end of the list and after the conversation has ceased around the water cooler, we tell ourselves, “One more thing…maybe a bit of self-improvement.” A nip and a tuck. Personal trainers. Maybe a live-in chef that will only cook healthy meals for the family. Heck! You now have enough money to hire Emeril or the Iron Chef. Spare no expense.
Eventually, a person might say, “And oh yeah, I would givesome away. You know, to the church or a homeless shelter–maybe a few of my family members that aren’t deadbeats.” We all want to give.
Ok, take your fingers out of your ears because I want to ask question about the lottery: Why are you really playing? The obvious answer is, “Jon, I’m playing to win. I want the cash. This money would change my life!” But really, why are you playing? Do you actually need numbers to mystically and magically line up for you to begin living a life that matters? Is change so elusive that you require 1.5 billion little helpers? I know you want to be generous to the poor. I know that’s in your heart. So don’t wait to win unthinkable money. Love the poor now. Sure, a few mill would be great in combatting homelessness. But what is really needed is a live, beating heart person offering a meal and serving hope. And I know a mountain of cash would help you change what you eat. But eating healthy doesn’t require a million dollar chef. It means you stop pulling into the drive through every other day. And stuff? Come on, you know better than that. If you’re not happy without stuff, you’re not gonna be happy with it. Your joy is not determined by what you have, it’s determined by God and his presence in your life. And dreams? Dreams are not fueled by cash. They are fueled by faith. Don’t wait to chase what God has put in your heart when it’s convenient or fiscally sound.
You don’t need 1.5 billion dollars and you don’t need 1.5 billion reasons to change your life. You only need one. Maybe you’ll win tonight. More than likely you won’t. However, don’t let 5 white ping-pong balls determine if you live a life of purpose, submitted to God and full of joy.
[Just a quick side note] I pastor a local church. If you win the Powerball and are not currently a member anywhere, please send your generous gift to Vineyard Community Church 541 Black Bears Way Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 J