For those of you that haven’t received our year-end letter, enjoy and celebrate what God has done for His glory in our city!
Dear Vineyard Family,

This last year Vineyard Community Church witnessed, through the work of God’s people:
- Over 100 public professions of faith at our weekend services. Yeah God! Because you have chosen to invite and invest in your friends and neighbors far from God, God is capitalizing on your faith by radically rescuing them. We remind ourselves every Monday morning that each person is a soul and each soul represents the plan of God for the world. We celebrate with you that 100+ souls were snatched from the kingdom of darkness and placed in the kingdom of light.
- Our V-teamers, in particular, our weekend V-teamers served a combined 2500 hours to create environments for people in our city to Experience God, Discover Community and Love the World. Each weekend our V-teamers greet in our parking lots, teach children and lead worship so that those far from God and far from the church might experience the love of Jesus.
- 1000 families were fed, loved and given a little dignity. Through our mercy ministries families that might have gone without didn’t have to. Through our effort of “doing justice and mercy” (Micah 6:8) the kingdom has become a reality for many families in our city.
- Over $30,000 has been spent toward outward focused activities that make Jesus known in our city. Everything from block parties to cookouts to straight up foreign missions are happening because of your partnership with Vineyard.
- Countless numbers of people experienced healing, deliverance and freedom in areas of their body, emotions and finances.
We don’t boast in our works however, only in the power of God to redeem. So as we celebrate what God has done, we also “groan inwardly as we eagerly wait” (Romans 8:23) for what He might do in 2013. This letter is simply a thank you for your partnership and continued invitation to walk with us and press into the heart of God for His glory. He is up to something BIG in our city and we are forever grateful for your part in this great story of His. As I say almost every weekend, “This is my tribe and I love it!” Let’s keep moving forward for the fame and name of Jesus!
Walking with you,
Jon Quitt
Lead Pastor
Vineyard Community Church