Pastor Appreciation Day

A word about Pastor Appreciate Month.  While we all want to be intentional in showing love to our spiritual leaders I think we can all be honest and say that this month has been created by Christian book stores that are not particularly interested in honoring local pastors, but selling merch.  However, on the backside of this conversation are the words of the apostle Paul, “And now, friends, we ask you to honor those leaders who work so hard for you, who have been given the responsibility of urging and guiding you along in your obedience. Overwhelm them with appreciation and love” (1 Thess. 5:12, MSG).  

While I have had the privilege of being a recipient of so much love from the people I serve alongside with, I don’t keep the blinders on.  That is, I am NOT alone in this work of God.  I am not the only one praying for, counseling with and spurring on those I walk with.  In fact, every where I look around our little tribe I see people doing the stuff of the kingdom.  The small group leaders, in some distinct way, while not preaching sermons, are living them out on behalf of the ones they lead.  Those teaching faithfully the character of Jesus to our children are in the trenches.  The band of ragamuffins that serve the poor in our city are heroes.  The list could continue ad naseum.  My point is simply this–while there is a speciific role for vocational pastors, the appreciation should not, cannot be relegated only to them.  We walk together, serve together and sacrifice together for the sake of Jesus name and fame!  Thank someone this week who has served you, loved you….pastored you.